in the buff... thefansite!

Wish List
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wish list...

Mainly for my friends and family - if you want to buy me a present, these are my current "wish list" in no particular order... well, in vaguely reverse-chronological order.  You're more likely to find the ones near the top because they are more recent.

One thing I would say for friends and family who want to get me a Buff - if you see one you think I'll like, GET IT!  Don't worry too much about what's on this page.  If you see one of these, great.  However, their product range is always changing, Buffs come and go.  So some of these will no longer be available, and there will be some that I would love but haven't seen yet.   You'll probably be safe with a Kukuxumusu Buff (or KUK as they now call them) as I think they're all great fun.

The absolute safest option, of course, is a gift token...


Fun Fun Jerusalem Snoopy Snow Games.  In fact, any Snoopy one!  (These are only Junior size, that's fine.
Boscatge Cap North Condor Dolomitas
Desh.jpg (22435 bytes)
African Tales Agra Desh Bayona
gandaix.jpg (20959 bytes) Koro.jpg (20251 bytes) Ndbele.jpg (36976 bytes) Oaxaca.jpg (24941 bytes)
Gandaix Koro Ndbele Oaxaca


Positions.jpg (32701 bytes) RubixLogo.jpg (33741 bytes) Rupestre.jpg (31839 bytes) Tracks.jpg (23937 bytes)
Positions Rubix Logo Rupestre Tracks
CamuGrey.jpg (28388 bytes) Xian.jpg (13000 bytes) Zoo.jpg (35694 bytes) evora.jpg (7907 bytes)
Camu Grey


Xi'an Zoo Evora
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