in the buff... thefansite!

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Here is my collection, ordered by type, then in alphabetical order of name where known; if I don't know the name they are at the end.  If you can name these for me, click on Contact Me and let me know!

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Original Buffs

alpin.jpg (61159 bytes) BandaCru.jpg (35559 bytes) BissauBlue.jpg (26456 bytes)
Adda Alpin Banda Cru Bissau Blue
bob.jpg (31567 bytes) BurmaCobalto.jpg (33367 bytes) cashmereazul.jpg (59867 bytes) chopsuey.jpg (36065 bytes)
Bob Burma Cobalto Cashmere Azul Chop Suey
desert.jpg (51164 bytes) edelweissblack.jpg (51759 bytes) fire.jpg (23913 bytes)
Desert Dragon Fly Grey Edelweiss Black Fire
flaglucky.jpg (35415 bytes) floblue.jpg (18350 bytes) hawaiinavy.jpg (26116 bytes) karachipurple.jpg (79916 bytes)
Flag Lucky (I love knotwork!)  Flo Blue Hawaii Navy Karachi Purple
kepala.jpg (30309 bytes) lace.jpg (18227 bytes) lesotho.jpg (59093 bytes) maligraphite.jpg (33701 bytes)
Kepala Lace Lesotho Mali Graphite (my first Buff!)
Mex.jpg (17477 bytes) modernist.jpg (31521 bytes) namaste.jpg (18916 bytes) orient.jpg (14997 bytes)
Mex Modernist  Namaste Orient
Paint.jpg (25809 bytes) Pirates.jpg (41210 bytes) ramses.jpg (38862 bytes) salamandrablue.jpg (38621 bytes)
Paint Pirates Ramses Salamandra Blue
spines.JPG (19894 bytes) tieblue.jpg (43502 bytes) TissageIke.jpg (34173 bytes) ukflag.jpg (20036 bytes)
Spines  Tie Blue  Tissage Ike  UK Flag
welshdragons.jpg (15631 bytes) yuma.jpg (25048 bytes)
Welsh Dragons
Not Welsh myself but loads of my friends are...
people.jpg (33940 bytes) blacktartan.jpg (61060 bytes) blackwhitebrown.jpg (69504 bytes)
Name Unknown Name Unknown Name Unknown


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Kukuxumusu Buff

Pronounced Koo-koo-shoe-moo-sue.
Rebano.jpg (11974 bytes) Vacas_Mar.jpg (22247 bytes)
Animalario Kaput Rebano Vacas Mar

Buff Number 50!

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National Geographic Buffs

lifics.jpg (26272 bytes) Tebas.jpg (26233 bytes)
Lifics Tebas
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Polar Buffs

bonesandroses.jpg (140954 bytes) Cascos.jpg (17823 bytes) elephants.jpg (34727 bytes) snus.jpg (25284 bytes)
Bones and Roses  Cascos Black (the fleece bit is black!)  Jaipur Snus
toraja.jpg (33194 bytes)
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Visor Buffs

cashmerevisorblack.jpg (14937 bytes) LogoBlack.jpg (7615 bytes) stuckvisorblue.jpg (16612 bytes)
Cashmere Black Logo Black Stuck Blue
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Junior Buffs

bugsbunny.jpg (7438 bytes) sylvester.jpg (9034 bytes)
Bugs Bunny Sylvester
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Combi Buffs

Name Unknown
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Reflective Buffs

rnegro.jpg (7589 bytes)
 R-Negro (with a reflective strip)
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Top Buffs

tiedyetop.jpg (29400 bytes) stripetop.jpg (47361 bytes)
Name Unknown Name Unknown


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UV Buffs

bihar.jpg (34395 bytes)
 Bihar (UPF 30)
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Rohan Buffs

 Hammam Deep Blue
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